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National Park

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Bryce Canyon National Park and the Red Canyon

The further South you go in Utah the more red you'll see around you. Bryce Canyon National park is no exception. And when coming from the West, you'll get a grand welcome through Red Canyon. 

The forest fire of last year has left it's mark on the area.

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Flaming Gorge, Wyoming


Flaming Gorge, Wyoming

After a dam was placed along the Green River. Flaming Gorge as we now know it was formed. The once deep canyons now filled with water flowing into the reservoir.  


Green River from Red Canyon Overlook, Utah


Green River from Red Canyon Overlook, Utah

Over the ages the Green River has cut and carved it's way through the Earth. Creating a now wide and deep canyon. Here, from the Red Canyon overlook, you can really take in the scale of what it time can accomplish.


Shoshone Falls, Idaho


Shoshone Falls, Idaho

Spring melt leads to an all time high at Shoshone Falls. This location is not too far off from where Evil Kenevil attempted to jump the Snake River in 1974.



Zion National Park: Angel's Landing

Beautiful views, but perhaps not for the feint of heart.


Arches National Park Day 2 - Fiery Furnace, Devil's Playground, and more

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Arches National Park Day 2 - Fiery Furnace, Devil's Playground, and more

The Fiery furnace is an area of Arches that is not mapped and has no set paths for you to follow. Making it a mini adventure unusual to most National Parks. Though no spot was available for a guided entry with a Park Ranger. A small excursion was made inside. 

Similar in it's structure is the Devil's Playground. Which has had paths made around this area of the Park to help you get where you need to go.

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