Since I wasn't able to go through the museum yesterday. It was my first stop today. I'll keep to the more informative for this post. Below you can see the before and after models of the hypocenter in Hiroshima. I'm sure you can spot the difference.

The information displayed was quite different than what I had expected. There was a great amount of information on what Hiroshima was and why it had become a location for military use. Maybe it's the way history has been portrayed to me through my own experience but I thought for sure it would be far more graphic than it was. Instead, it was done in a very graceful manner. Going through the museum and reading the foot notes will give anybody a basic understanding of what nuclear weapons do. Which I think is a large point of the museum. To prevent future use and further progression as a weapon.

Of particular note is the wall that contains letters written to government officials anytime nuclear weapon development testing is done. I have a feeling nobody pays it any attention. But they really should.. Also disappointing is the country who has received the most letters in recent years. You'd never guess who!

The peace bell. Everyone should visit and actually commit to what it stands for.

 I then began my circuit around Hiroshima which would take me to Hiroshima Castle and shrines around this area. I even ran into one I hadn't plotted on my map! First was lunch at a "Sushi boat/train". Sushi goes past. You pick what you want. Commence to eat. Each plate has a designated price for what it holds. This was my first restaurant sushi and it was pretty good. It would be better if I knew what half of it was before biting it. There was only one that I was kind of neh about. Definitely a different taste to that of home.

Cherry blossoms are largely in bloom now in Hiroshima. There was quite a bit going on at the castle. Two brides were having their wedding photos taken as well. Probably trying to get it in before things get crazy on the weekend!

I'm a fan of the blossoms. The way the trees are spread out and located always brings some fun beauty to their location. I'm looking forward to seeing more and experiencing my first Hanami! 

I would have stayed longer in Hiroshima but somehow all the hotels I can find easily on the sites I'd use to find vacancy had no vacancy at all! I asked two large ones in person as well with no luck. I've never ever seen such an instance. And it's not just in Hiroshima. The cities around Hiroshima have nothing as well. Down side to how I am traveling and also having spring break + weekend + Japan going on. Oh well, that's how it goes sometimes. So tomorrow I'm off to Nagasaki. The city of hotels I could find a room in (and a bunch more, of course)!

Now, who feels like getting Crunky?

(ending on a bad joke is always a good idea if you ask me)
