Went to the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Park and Museum today. I'd have to say it's a very different feel than the one in Hiroshima. Maybe more of what I expected to find in the first place.

Monument marking ground 0.

The museum inside in particular is what I had first expected to find in Hiroshima. Nagasaki has a very sad history and the bomb sure didn't help. It really is such a horrible thing to have had happen once. And then twice is just stupid.

The geography of Nagasaki and city planning at the time is such that the bomb had a completely different result so Hiroshima. Due to the buildings being so close together, much of what would have stayed standing was then burned to the ground. It was literally an entire city put to the ground. They had projections that it would be decades before things would grow again.

But it grew faster than that. It's a truly pretty city. I love the mountainous area and all that it holds. I've always had a soft spot for them and I can tell it has an effect on locations that I like!

One of the caretakers of this temple really wanted to take my picture with the name. She was a very sweet old lady who also gave me a map to the local highlights on the area. There are two temples quite close together: Seisuiji and Sofukuji. If memory serves these were both Buddhist temples.

Stop for a little lunch of Tonkatsu. Grind up your own sesame seeds and then pour a sauce that into it that you then use to dip your food in. Quite good.

Then make a little friend you find in a pet shop/rescue along the way. This one was nice and relatively clam. Only playful nibbles. His neighbor (who was a bit older) must have had sugar for breakfast. He didn't stop moving and was more past a gnaw than a nibble.

China Town

And then to the Confucius Shrine and Historical museum of China. It was a little odd what they had in the museum of China. One, it was a little bit random to find (though because Nagasaki is a port city it had a lot of outside influence as well as population). Two, the things inside were random too. A selection sent from China and not necessarily what was related to the Chinese in Nagasaki. My take at least.

My candle on the right. Used a little bit of Japanese with the man keeping watch. Kind of getting better with it~

Then up we go to a mountain overlooking the city. It's supposed to be one of the 3 best night views in the world. I went up before night fell to get some additional shots.

Apologies for any crappy imagery. Still can't really pick what is going up. Have to kind of guess.

And dinner:

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