So one thing I really hadn't thought much about was getting south from Sapporo. I didn't really have much time to see a lot in Hokkaido and it may have turned into more of a "yes I went to Hokkaido" more than an I explored it. Always future trips! It's in a bit of a weird time right now so I'm not really really sad. I wanted to make it there to pick something up as a thank you for a large part. Definitely a good spot for skiing if that's what you're into!

A little bit morefor the guys... the best view you'll ever have while using a urinal! This is on the 38th floor of the JR Tower in Sapporo. There was a couple in front of me and the girl was just peeking her head in after the guy had checked it out for occupancy and I thought that kind of weird. I wanted to walk up behind her and say "sumimasen" and give her a scare. But decided to wait till after they left. This is what I saw when I went in and why the guy wanted to have her see (also probably why she wanted to see).

Nifty, eh? Using the public restroom will never be the same.

Sad report - I found the painting shop again as I left. I had looked multiple times the day before with no luck. It was open from 10 AM - 7 PM and my train was leaving at 10:22 with a subway ride and some walking from where I was at. Arrrghh, curse my luck. I should have gone through all of it and found one the first time I went in. It was so close to my hotel and a bunch of shops where I went in asking about it (successfully asking - I researched how to ask) and they had no idea! Grumble! Oh well, backup plan at this point is to bring home a sword. I can put that on a wall too. If simply not in as many places..

Sendai is nice. Definitely got better at picking spots to stay now. It's an adequate amount of busy and of course means there's lots of places to walk around. Though I hope a couple of the places I'll be going to next will be more like Takamatsu where it was a lot of just me! That was pretty fun and thinking about it I kind of miss that. We'll see where it goes.
