My hotel in Fukuoka was right next to the Hakata station. This was my view from the window. It was one of the biggest rooms I've had. Though it was oddly equipped and felt like it might have been from the 70's. Still, when visiting Japan. Being next to the station is key.

Some fake cherry blossoms just to keep the season going longer. It was kind of nice, actually!

I don't have WiFi here so I'm not really able to get the pictures from  my phone. They'll have to come later.

On the first full day it was out to the river and some mangroves for some SUP (stand up paddle boarding). Pretty fun though did make my feet kind of tired. They might be a little swollen apparently. Oh well!

Quite a fun activity and not hard at all to do. I stayed up the entire time until almost back when I was checking the GoPro and it had some funny message on it. Then I might have got a little wet.

Also, stupid me pressed the button to stop the camera. So not all of it was captured. Live and learn I guess~

Later in the day I tried surfing for the first time. A loooot harder than I thought. And not even the standing up part. The paddling out in the waves far enough part. I'm not really out of shape and it didn't make me lose my breath... But holy cow my arms just couldn't propel me well enough. I think I was sitting a little wrong when trying which didn't help. But it was still fairly fun though probably not worth the money I spent. Oh well, at least I can check that off the list!

Okinawa is.. interesting. At the moment I'm kind of wishing I hadn't booked a full week here, but that's probably because I haven't gotten to the part I'm really on the island for - the diving. It's not exceptionally different from any other resort place I've stayed. Though I've usually ended up in a spot where I have lots of choices for meals and things close by. Where I'm at right now isn't that way, not a lot of food choices! Though thankfully convenience stores actually have good food. And there is a super market even closer which has better than convenience store food. Truly it's kind of like going to a restaurant at home.

Anyways, tomorrow will be trying to get around the island some more. I know there's a bus network and I'll do some looking into figuring out how to get around. It is definitely not as easy as getting around on the main land which I actually miss. But, it is what you make of it so I'll keep going!

Again posts might be harder and I make no promises for a bit. But I'll try to throw some things in for my own memory and to share with you.
