Sorry in advance, this one will be shorter. The internet here takes forever to upload things which leaves less time to write. Today I went to Nara to see the deer and the big Buddha in Todaiji. Nara has a lot of religious history to it and it's a very pretty place. Saw some brides in white (not the traditional Japanese dress) which was nice. There's a big park right next to Todaiji which houses the Buddha. It is huuuuge. Ridiculously big! The building and the Buddha. I'm pretty certain this is the largest sitting Buddha in the world (don't quote me on that). Which would mean I've now seen the biggest in Japan as well as Thailand.

The deer are also everywhere. Tons and tons of them. Deer are messengers from god and allowed to walk around the park and local area. They of course can be fed from items bought in the area. Supposedly they will bow... but I was not lucky enough to see this sadly. Cute dear though! Especially when there's a horde of them chasing some little kid who was given treats for them.

Soba with duck for lunch

Was tempted to ask them if they sold their paintings. They're water color based which isn't what I normally go for but I've still had no luck in finding a painting to take home. They were quite good.

My stamp book getting another added to it.

All in all I really enjoyed Nara. I'm really enjoying seeing the cherry blossoms in full bloom everywhere I go. Everyone has an energy about them when seeing the trees and it's fun to watch. They're definitely appreciated here.

Local arcade - will have to try this out.

Below is the Osaka underground. I don't know how they did it but there's a huge mall area with shops, restaurants, and other things to do. I was wanting a hair cut and took the opportunity at a barber shop in the underground. First time I've ever been to a barber I think! It was pretty fun, though I was a little worried as I couldn't tell him what I wanted. But we communicated the general idea and he was good enough that he followed what had been done at home. Super interesting to watch him work, I felt like I was a statue. Little clips here and there and eyeing everything up and down. I very well may have to get another in Japan just for kicks.

I was lucky enough to bump into Yoko again for dinner! She was in Osaka for some job interviews and the company was good to have for a meal. She knew a local ramen shop that had delicious ramen and made my task of selecting dinner all the easier. I'll have to try more ramen as there's so many variations of it.. and who can say no to ramen. Definitely glad I'm not applying for jobs in Japan. Seems like a true pain.

Tomorrow I'm off to Kyoto! Maybe they'll have a ramune or painting for me to buy.