Made it to Osaka today. What a nice city! It's in some ways similar to Tokyo.. but far different. It has a more open feel to it. Kind of more welcoming? Little bit hard to explain. Maybe similar to the difference between being in New York City and Los Angeles?

It's perfect timing for the cherry blossoms. They're absolutely gorgeous here at the moment. There's a bunch of other blossoming trees that I have no idea what they are either. I'd really like to have my own tree at home now!

Visited Osaka castle after going to a shrine to get my stamp! It's the biggest castle I've seen so far and has very beautiful grounds. Tons of people having lunch under the trees too.

I waited around for night to see things lit differently. Equally beautiful!

I love pictures at night. Things with a different feel are fun. There was also a bunch of booths selling things around the castle.

I got one of these! Sooooooo good. But it dripped a little so not the best to be walking with. Unfortunately I didn't really look until it was too late and had sauce spots all over my pants. Wash time! Worth it, in the end. I love this kind of thing.

Dinner. Fried Shrimp. First time I've had some with their heads still on! Basically you do with the head as you would with the tail.

Pork ramen. Love me some ramen

Hope this photo works. Standing by the Osaka castle.

Sorry it's a bit rushed. Took a while to upload these and it just turned midnight. So I'm off to bed!

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